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Gender: Female DOB: May 2019

“Morilla” aboriginal for “Stony Ridge”. Morilla and her sibling Aroona are white desert Dingoes from the Northern Territory. They arrived at the Sanctuary in September 2019. Desert Dingoes appear smaller than the Alpine Dingo; they don’t have as much bone mass and are less bushy in the coat and tail. Morilla is very much the beautiful model, we call her Marilyn Monroe. Wherever she goes she strikes a pose, she knows she’s gorgeous!

Sienna Pretty (Kareela, NSW)

Would you like to sponsor Morilla?

Sponsorship is $25.00 Australian Dollars per month or $300.00 for a year. We welcome multiple sponsorships.


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  • Jessica Owen says:

    Just made my first payment to sponsor this girl.
    I know it’s only a little but, but thank you for taking care of all the beautiful wild dogs that we in Australia are able to call our own.
    Special good wishes at the moment as you undertake the arduous task of rebuilding. I hope this disaster that has effected so many is over soon.
    Keep up the amazing work!

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